Derision in Pakistani Politics reaching new heights...REGULARLY!
Pakistan, the breakaway State from the Indian sub-continent is consistently in the news, mainly for the wrong reasons- be it it's political circus, terrorist camps, ISI, Muhajir Qaumi Movement, etcetera. Their political spectacle started right from the times of Jinnah, who was instrumental in the division of India, especially for his selfish motives rather than the interest of common men. The start was certainly disastrous and now Mr Asif Ali Zardari is the icing on the cake of these debacles. Leaders and politicians have risen, rather fallen in Pakistan, hardly doing anything substantial for this breakaway State. Pervez Musharaf, a Muhajir tried to rule over this State...UNSUCCESSFULLY. Ironically, Musharaf was born in Delhi, India! Now, Pakistani people will be literally at the mercy of God as Mr Zardari, more renowned as widower of the assassinated Benazir Bhutto, stands to qualify as Pakistan's President. Not only is Mr Zardari alleged to be a victim of mental/psychiatric i...