Either Arundhati Roy’s faculties are not in place OR she needs to be banished from India…

Seems author Suzanna Arundhati Roy is on a totally different ‘trip’ and ‘high’ on an unusual note! Indian nationals who support the cause for a united India will empathize with this statement as Ms Roy, the so-called activist made absolutely weird statements on August 18, 2008. She went on to say, India needs azaadi from Kashmir as much as Kashmir needs azaadi from India. Not only are her statements bizarre, they will undoubtedly add MORE fuel to the already existing fire in Kashmir!

Most of the Indians in India and across the globe, plus millions of people the world over are aware about the Kashmir issue, which has turned into a hunting ground for India’s ‘neighbour’, Pakistan, foreign mercenaries and local terrorists. Is Ms. Roy aware that so many Kashmiri Pandits have fled, RATHER were forced to flee from their own homeland? Is Ms. Roy aware of the Simla Pact? Doesn’t Ms Roy know that Pakistan and Bangladesh were parts of India and divided as independent nations for selfish reasons?

Her statements are definitely pro-guerilla (plus insane) and this shamed Booker prize winner should be booked and packed off to the gallows, err, too harsh, lets make it- jail…


Shirish's Blog said…
Nishit very nice. I liked your love towards nation. It seems revolutionery blog. Keep it up.
Lets hope Arundhati doesnt have any underworld connections now........quite a bold statement to make here.......but gud i like it
Anonymous said…
Very well said+aptly written . I think most Indians would agree to your thoughts . I hope Arundhati Roy is put behind bars for her innane remark.
This is a perfect expression.
Anonymous said…
We as a nation have the highest form of freedom of expression.. let us not forget that. Inflammatory remarks and articles actually bind like minded individuals. I have never visited a blog site before and this comes across as another medium of expression.. keep it up Nishit.

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