Biden-Harris a Welcome Change for USA?
Many (or at least it appears so), Americans are on top of the world. They are boisterously exhibiting a sigh of relief, a reassurance akin to victory of ‘good over evil'! No doubt, Harris' niece Meena had once publicly portrayed her (Kamala Harris) as goddess Durga, a goddess owing allegiance to Hinduism. Meena had also depicted Donald Trump as a demon. Aha, so the enmity and furore had reached that level! Probably the several Indian-origin Americans didn't mind all that, or were ready to forgive and forget the divinity case — It was all about going all guns blazing against Donald Trump, come what may!
So, is this the change that the doctor ordered? Is this change God-sent? I don't know. Probably the Americans know better, or they think they know better! Biden, 77, strategically didn't stake his candidacy on any distinctive political ideology. Then what made him click? He simply galvanized a broad coalition of voters around the notion that Trump actually posed a threat to American democracy. The ‘jump the bandwagon’ strategy proved effective, resulting in crucial victories in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, onetime Democratic strongholds that had turned to Trump in 2016.
What will the ‘holier than though’ skipper and mate now do? Oh, they have a lot of things to undo. They have many people to please, scores have to be settled, policies have to be changed, Trump needs to be taught lessons, illegal immigrants and hopeless (or hope-less) citizens need to be appeased…phew, that’s too little, though more than enough to spend one term and prepare a platform for another term, another Democratic term! Weed growers were already ecstatic — probably with the provisions previously signalled by the Indian descendent Harris — about whom many Indians and American Indians are gaga about; perhaps many of them don’t know head or tail about Kamala, nor may she be knowing what actually hurts India and Indians. Anyway, does it matter to her? No, a resounding no!
Biden-Harris have taken up the mantle for reforming America, for making America great again, and for healing her. And Hillary? She may be on top of the hill, or Little Rock, possibly coming to terms from the 2016 shock.
Why couldn’t Trump win again? Was it because he’s outspoken? Because he is not a diplomat? Or simply as his many detractors firmly believe that he was a failure right from the start and hit the American hearts like a pointed dart? While the Americans seem to have hit the bull’s eye (by ousting Trump), it’s time to wish this new duo all the best, who have or may put to rest: ‘In God we trust’.